Become an EPEC-Pediatrics Master Facilitator

Workshop Venue

Roma Scout Center

Largo dello Scautismo 1 -00162 Roma
tel +39 06 44231355 fax +39 06 44117744

How to get there

Roma Scout Center is located in Rome at Largo dello Scautismo 1, it is near to Piazzale delle Province in the Sapienza University district.

Nearest metro stop: Bologna (metro line B/B1: 500m – 7 min. walk)

Nearest train station: Tiburtina (850m – 15. min. walk) 

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN EUROPE  on the 21st of October 2024,  the ‘Become an EPEC-Pediatrics Master Facilitator’ workshop will be held in Rome at the “Rome Scout Center”.

Please be aware that the EPEC workshop venue is different from the Congress venue.

NB It’s necessary to have attended the “EPEC-Pediatrics Train the Trainer Workshop” before.

This 1-day, hands-on small-group workshop (max.5-7 participants per group) is intended to familiarize participants with the theory and practice of adult learning and clinical practice improvement in teaching pediatric pain and palliative care. This is a required course for “Trainers” who wish to become a “Master Facilitator” with the possibility of joining the EPEC-Pediatrics faculty in the future. Individuals who want to further enhance their teaching and leadership skills are also welcome to attend.

The professions that can participate are: doctors, nurses, psychologists, trainees, phisyotherapists and social workers.

Please notice that Become an EPEC-Pediatrics Master Facilitator can only be book through the  online registration system in connection with the registration for the Congress at a very special price, or indipendent of Maruzza Congress registration through the online registration system. Participation will be limited to a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 21 participants, places will be allocated on a first come first-served basis.
Fee for Participants includes:

  • 1-day live interactive with small-group workshop (max 5-7 participants)
  • Light lunch
  • Refreshments during coffee breaks


In connection with the Congress  € 920
Indipendent from the Congress
Doctors € 1.470
Other Professions € 1.370
Low and Lower Income Countries € 1.070

The 2024 Faculty:

Senior Master Facilitators

  • Stefan J.Friedrichsdorf  (course director), Elisa and Marc Stad Professor in Pediatric Pain Medicine, Palliative Care and Integrative Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco (USA). Chief of the Division of Pediatric Pain, Palliative and Integrative Medicine, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals
  • Justin N. Baker, MD, FAAP, FAAHPM, Chief, Division of Quality of Life and Pediatric Palliative Care Director, QoLA Program (Quality of Life for All), Attending Physician – QoLA Pediatric Palliative Care Team, Associate Chief Quality Officer for Patient Experience and Holistic Care Deborah E. Addicott – John A. Kriewall and Elizabeth A. Haehl Family, Professor, Department of Pediatrics Stanford School of Medicine and Stanford Medicine Children’s Health, USA
  • Joanne Wolfe, Physician in Chief, MassGeneral for Children, Chair, Department of Pediatrics Massachusetts General Hospital, Chair, Department of Pediatrics Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, USA
  • Alexis Morvant, MD, Kriewall Haehl Endowed Directorship of the Pediatric Palliative Care Program at Stanford University Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital.  Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
  • Elizabeth Seashore, MD, Pediatric hematologist-oncologist and palliative care specialist, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, USA

Registration closes on 30th September 2024.

*The certificate will be issued only to participants completing ALL of the educational sessions; attendees will be required to sign in and sign out at the beginning and end of each training day.