4th MARUZZA CONGRESS ON CHILDREN'S PALLIATIVE CARE - EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIREThis questionnaire is intended to enable the Maruzza Congress Organisers to improve the content and delivery of future activities of similar nature. The questionnaire is anonimous. We thank you in advance for taking the time to answer as frankly and as openly as possible. Please rate the only the sessions you attendedOpening Ceremony - Overall*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ADouble Interview - "The Importance/Meaning Of Time"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AKeynote Lecture - "Children's Palliaitve Care - a Game Changer for Paediatrics?"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/APresentation of WHO Guide on Palliative Care for Children Day 1 Gaining insight : "Galenic Medicine and Traditional Remedies Used in PPC"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/APlenary session: "Next Generation Approaches"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session I: "Rainbow Session: Tools"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session II: "Surveys and Systematic Reviews"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session III: "End of Life Care"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session IV: "No Pain for Children Awards"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session V: "Rainbow Session: Meeting Needs"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session VI: "Parents and Siblings"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/APlenary session: "The Needs of Young Adults in PPC and Model Transitions in PPC"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking : "Preventing or Reducing Needle Pain for Hospitalized Children"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking : "Parents' Time and Space when a Sick Twin Child is Surviving"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking : "How to Assess and Manage the Distressed Non Verbal Child in PPC"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking : "Intractable Symptoms in Children with Severe Impairment of the Central Nervous System: What Defines Success when Elimination of Symptoms is not Possible?"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ADay 2 Gaining insight : "New Methods of Communication: Social Networking and PPC"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/APlenary session: "Breaking Walls: PPC and Paediatric Specialties - Part 1"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session VII: "Neonatal and Perinatal"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session VIII: "Rainbow Session: Research"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session IX: "Education and Training"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session X: "Ethic and Spirituality"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session XI:"Research Issues"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AWorking session XII: "Advanced Care Planning"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/APlenary session: "Breaking Walls: PPC and Paediatric Specialties - Part 2"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking: "Encounters at the Time of Death"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking: "Prenatal diagnosis of Life-limiting Genetic Condition Complicated with Severe Cardiac Anomalies"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking: "Paediatric Palliative Care in Acute Communicable Diseases"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking: "Preparing For The Withdrawal Of Life Sustaining Therapy In Paediatric ICU in Diverse Cultural Contexts"ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ADay 3 Gaining insight : "The Representation Of End Of Life: Media And PPC"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/APlenary session: "From Denial to Palliactive: Practical Steps for Developing a PPC Program"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ARoundtable discussion: "2018 - What News in PPC? What Does the Future Hold?"*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AScientific Content/ProgrameGeneral satisfaction with congress*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AKeynote lectures/ Plenary Speakers*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ARelevance of themes*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ANetworking oportunities*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ACongress organizationLogistic orginization*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AOn-line registration*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AOn-line abstract submission*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AStaff in advance of the conference*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AOn-site registration process*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/ACongress secretariat staff*ExcellentGoodFairPoorN/AAbout the congressHow did you hear about the congress?*WebsiteEmailSocial MediaWord of mouthHow did you obtain information?*WebsiteEmailSocial MediaWord of mouthWhat influenced you to attend this congress?*FacultySpeakersTopicsFeeHave you attended the Maruzza congress in the past ?*YesNoWould you attend the Maruzza Congress in the future?*YesNoYour suggestions (Please type in your reply)